Free Demo Version – The download for LAXSoft is a fully functional with a few limitations. It is restricted to 2 scheduled games until you purchase the software. There are two demo games “in progress” – one boys game and one girls game that allows you to immediately experience the amazing functionality of the GameTime screen without setting up your team and players.
If you have difficulty downloading any of these files, please contact for assistance.
With this new software release, we have had a few complaints that anti-virus software products are labeling our installation as dangerous. This software is safe and does not contain any viruses. We are in the process of working with various products to overcome these warnings.
Ready to Buy?
There are two methods to pay for LAXSoft:
- Click on the PayPal “Buy Now” button below
- Download and print the “LAXSoft Order Form” and send in your check to LAXSoft, 870 Golf Villa Drive, Oxford, MI 48371
System Requirements:
Windows 7 or later personal computer (does not run on Apple computers).