The GameTime screen for LAXSoft was designed to handle all the complexity of Lacrosse Statistics in as simple a manner as possible! To enter a statistic, you simply click on the Player then the action button. Some entries actually record two stats, for example, a shot on goal by an opponent player also records a save for your goalie.
The Score Board is updated automatically as goals are scored. Next to each action button is a running team total. For example, in the screen shot below the home team has grabbed 30 Ground Balls to the opponent’s 15.

On the lower left portion of the screen are tabs where additional information is available:
ACTIONS: Recent game actions are displayed to show each stat as it is recorded (corrections can be made as needed).
Penalty: A list of Penalties assessed during the game. There is a countdown clock for active penalties.
DNP-US: A list of your players that have not yet participated in the current game.
DNP-Opp: A list of opponent players that have not participated in the current game
IR/Unable to Play: This lists players that are on “Injured Reserve” or “unable to play”. These players do not show up on the roster list on this form until activated.
Assists: A list of players who have recorded an assist during the current game.